Here’s an idea #1: Exploring ideas to create ideas

Scott Nguyen
3 min readFeb 11, 2022

Why I’m starting this

I’m a big fan of asking questions — particularly questions for myself to answer. Asking questions forces me to stop and think of an answer, or at least start thinking about how to get to the answer. Even if I don’t get an answer, the process of figuring out how something works or doesn’t work is equally as important.

So the question I asked was “how can I explore ideas and dive a little deeper into those topics?” You guess it…write about it. The second question became whether I should do a long format or a short format. The answer was to just write and hash out the ideas as best as I can. You can only squeeze an orange so much. If I learn something new, I can just do a part 2, 3, 4, etc., and continue the “journey”. I figure as I get better at thinking and writing, I can get more substance out of each idea, or learn how to more efficiently squeeze an orange to get more juice.

This new series I’m adding to my writing will pertain to questions, ideas, ponders, discoveries, and things I’m interested in. I’m a big believer in ideas and testing them out so I’ll be posting follow-ups to see if it holds true or not. It’s nice to write about things but the practical side is equally as important. I’ll be treating it like a fun science experiment — which I believe is crucial for skill acquisition and development:

theory → application→readjust→recalibrate→retest→repeat

If I can improve my thinking, chances are it’ll positively affect other aspects of my life too. An ideal goal would be to help others think and positively affect their lives. That’s what I’m aiming for, but if it just affects me, I’m more than happy with the results.

This week’s idea:

My questions for this week pertain to Joe Rogan’s backlash. Whether you like the guy or not, I don’t have an opinion on either side. I’m more fascinated with respectable and reputable people sticking up for him. It made me wonder if I was “canceled”, who would stick up for me? Who would immediately react and defriend me, and who would try to figure out what’s going on? More importantly, have I carried myself to a degree that if I do get canceled, would friends and family put their reputation and careers on the line for me?

The professional in me thinks I wouldn’t want them to do any of that, but to be honest, I’m human, and would greatly appreciate the support. But that question is a big reminder that If I strive to be a person of great character, one with humility and a self-less attitude, one day, I might be privileged enough to have friends and family that would risk their live-sake for mine. The following questions are how do I earn that right and what steps do I need to take to make that happen?

Perhaps it’s a little selfish to think of the need for people to back you up, but it would be a testament to what kind of person you are if people would do that for you. But if you don’t strive to be that ideal person, you’ll never get close to it.

I’ll start day by day, action by action.

Have a productive week,


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Scott Nguyen

I write to get better at writing and to learn. IG: stayingkonnected Twitter: Stayingkonnect Podcast: Staying Konnected