Mahalo Monday #15: Replacing plastic with fungus, kindness, top 5 articles of 2021

Scott Nguyen
3 min readJan 3, 2022

Hi everyone,

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Mahalo Mondays is a newsletter on the most interesting I’ve learned or found over that week. It’ll range from articles, tips, videos, hacks, and other fascinating things that would broaden your perspective.

Mahalo means many things in Hawaiian (expressing gratitude), but for me, it’s a way to show appreciation and love to those that I’ve learned from. So I want to showcase their work and share it with all of you.

Using fungus to replace plastic:

With so much talk about “going green” and saving the planet, this could be a great solution to replace plastic. I’d like to see this project more funded so we can really see the different facets we could use. A house made of fungus might be able to make prices cheaper, or shipping wrappers that can dissolve much quicker to prevent sea life damage.

A lesson on kindness and 2021:

2021 was a year of up and downs, and for many — I wasn’t any different. Major setbacks, injuries, failures, and a few close calls gave a better understanding of what’s important. Kindness is one of them, particularly to oneself and to everyone around us.

It’s so easy to make a judgment and to criticize another, and it’s easy when it’s us. I’m not sure why we are programmed to compare and to be harsh critics but I think in unprecedented times like these, a little kindness goes a long way. I’m a big believer in small actions that leads to big results. A little kindness can lead to hope for another person to push on and achieve great things. A little kindness shows the path towards self-respect and resiliency. Acts of kindness often don’t cost much, but the mindset is. It will cost us time, money, and energy to do these actions repeatedly. But more than ever, we need it.

This is one of my goals for 2022 — to put more kindness in the world in any way I can. I use to worry about how “selfish” I would feel or how others would tell me I’m only doing it to “look” good. But I say, who cares! Do it because you want to. Do it so it becomes a habit, and inspire others to do it as well. The world needs more positive actions, and it begins with us.

My newest article:

Check out my top 5 favorite articles of 2021. I’ve written a good amount in 2021, and 2022 will be no different. I’m excited to publish more and to share them with all of you.

What was your favorite article of 2021?

Until next week,




Scott Nguyen

I write to get better at writing and to learn. IG: stayingkonnected Twitter: Stayingkonnect Podcast: Staying Konnected